Real Estate
Developmental Projects
Real Estate
By leveraging blockchain technology, we offer a cutting-edge platform that tokenizes real-world assets, making real estate investment more accessible, transparent, and efficient than ever before.
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What Real Estate Assets can be Tokenized?

The innovative approach of digitizing property, fractionalizing it, and issuing tokens has made investing in real estate more accessible and divisible.

  • Residential Properties

    Individual residential units like apartments, houses, and condominiums. Investors can own a share of a residential property, potentially earning returns from both property value appreciation and rental income.

  • Commercial Real Estate

    Commercial real estate can involve office buildings, retail spaces, or industrial properties. These investments often yield higher returns due to the scale and rental incomes from businesses

  • Rental Homes

    Tokens represent shares in rental properties. Investors earn returns from the rental income generated by these properties, which could include single-family homes, multi-unit apartments, or even large residential complexes.

  • Vacation Homes

    Similar to rental homes, but these properties are often in tourist-centric locations and can be rented out on a short-term basis, like through platforms such as Airbnb

  • Development Projects

    Tokenization can be used to raise capital for new real estate development projects. Investors buy tokens representing a stake in the future development, potentially reaping rewards as the project completes and gains value

  • Vacant Land

    Undeveloped land can be tokenized, providing investors with the opportunity to participate in potential future development projects. This allows investors to gain exposure to raw land investments and the potential for significant appreciation as the land is developed.

How is a Real Estate Asset Tokenised?

Property Details: A high-quality real estate properties that offer strong potential for returns should be selected for tokenisation. Enter details of the property along with supporting images, and documents.


Legal Structuring: Engage with a legal team to structures the asset into a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV), ensuring full regulatory compliance, or ask Spydra to assist you with being legally compliant.


Tokenomics Defined: The property is divided into fractional shares, represented by digital tokens on the blockchain. Define tokenomics like number of fractions it has to be divided into, base price of each token and other token controls.


Investor Offering & Returns: These tokens are then made available for purchase on our your custom token store, allowing investors to buy and sell their shares with ease. Investors receive their returns based on your definition.


Manage Trade & Token Lifecycle: Once the token sale is live, property owner can manage the token trade, the investors and the entire lifecycle till the token on our platform so that investors have receive regular updates.

Types of Tokens

Equity tokens represent ownership in the property, entitling holders to a share of the rental income and potential appreciation in value.

Equity Tokens

Rental Income
Value Appreciates

Debt tokens represent a loan to the property owner, providing investors with regular, reliable interest payments.

Debt Tokens

Interest Payment

Hybrid tokens combine elements of both equity and debt, offering investors a blend of income and growth potential.

Hybrid Tokens

Rental Income
Value Appreciates

Tokenization benefits all!

Creating a real estate token can provide numerous benefits for property owners, developers, and investors.


Asset Owner

Enhanced Liquidity: Easily buy and sell tokens on secondary markets for quick access.
Quick Capital Access: Raise funds swiftly by selling tokenized shares of your property.
Lower Entry Barriers: Invest in high-value properties with smaller amounts of capital.
Wider Investor Base: Attract a global pool of investors, increasing potential funding sources
Diversified Portfolio: Spread investments across various properties and asset classes.
Improved Liquidity: Tokenizing properties allows for easier and faster sale transactions.
Regular Income: Receive consistent rental income or interest payments from debt tokens
Cost Efficiency: Lower transaction and management costs through blockchain technology.
Transparent Transactions: Blockchain technology ensures clear, immutable records of ownership and trades.
Increased Market Appeal: Make properties more attractive to tech-savvy and innovative investors.
Global Market Access: Invest in real estate opportunities worldwide, diversifying geographically.
Enhanced Security: Blockchain ensures secure, tamper-proof ownership and transaction records.


1. What is real estate tokenization and how does it work?

Real estate tokenization is the process of converting the value of a real estate asset into digital tokens on a blockchain. Each token represents a fractional ownership stake in the property. This allows for easier buying, selling, and trading of real estate assets, making them more accessible and liquid.

2. How does tokenization benefit property owners?

Tokenization offers property owners several benefits, including quicker capital access by selling fractional shares of their property, attracting a global pool of investors, and reducing transaction costs through blockchain technology. It also enhances liquidity, making it easier to sell ownership stakes.

3. What are the advantages of investing in real estate tokens?

Investing in real estate tokens provides enhanced liquidity, lower entry barriers, and the ability to diversify your portfolio across multiple properties and asset classes. Investors can also receive regular income from rental yields or interest payments and benefit from transparent, immutable transaction records.

4. How are earnings distributed to investors holding debt real estate tokens?

Investors holding debt real estate tokens receive regular, reliable interest payments according to a predefined schedule. These payments are often managed through smart contracts, which automatically distribute the interest to investors' digital wallets. Upon maturity, the principal amount is repaid.

5. How do investors earn from equity real estate tokens?

Investors holding equity real estate tokens earn through a share of the rental income generated by the property and potential appreciation in property value. When the property generates income, it is distributed proportionally to token holders. Additionally, if the property is sold at a higher value, investors benefit from the capital gains.

6. Is real estate tokenization secure and compliant with regulations?

Yes, real estate tokenization utilizes blockchain technology, which ensures secure and tamper-proof transactions. Properly structured tokenization platforms adhere to local and international regulatory standards, providing a secure and compliant investment environment for both property owners and investors.

Want to list your asset?
Tokenize your real-world asset and list it on a customizable token store. This efficient process converts tangible assets into digital tokens, which you can manage on your personalized store.
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